What will games industry events look like in 2023?
Game Conference Guide Insights - December 2022
As we are entering the last stretch of the year, it is time to look into the future. What we can expect and how events will look like next year, can be considered a tradition here at Game Conference Guide Insights. While in previous years some of the predictions were massively affected by the raging pandemic and in some cases, they were wishful thinking, I had a high success rate to predict what events will look like.
2022 showed us we can have events like we used to have before: massive gatherings, concerts, fan service showcases, digital offerings and local, more intimate conferences and master classes. From the outside it looked like nothing has changed. On the inside a lot of new challenges emerged and every successfully organized event was a result of putting every drop of blood, sweat and tears into it.
The Covid-19 is still here, and I would like to start with this. We have learned to live with it, at least here in Europe and Croatia where I reside. That doesn’t mean it is gone, or that we should not be aware what is happening elsewhere or not following rules, not at least once the pandemic turns endemic.
While attending events in 2023 we will have to follow health guidelines. GDC on their Health & Safety page informs visitors to have proof of vaccination or results from a negative test ready when picking up their badge. Masking is going to be voluntary but highly recommended. These measures will be adopted by smaller events as well requiring masking inside (Narrascope for example) and limit the audience sharing the same indoor space. Don’t not act surprised. Before you travel, please read health guides of the event you are visiting.
Last month I was talking about availability of venues, and it wasn’t left without a reaction from my friends and commenters. I should have better articulated the topic and explain better what I was trying to say. The availability of a venue is not just picking up the date, but as pointed out, it presents monetary challenge. And when the venue is out of the budget scope, the search for a new one starts which might lead to changing the dates or switching the event into virtual offering with in-person party or networking component happening on the last day. There has been a lot of virtual events struggling to offer a meaningful in-person experience which will continue in 2023. And the obvious reasons are resources.
In general, the events in 2023 will attract more attendees than in 2022, but their numbers will be affected by pickier audience choosing where to travel and even limiting the number of international trips. For many this year felt like the pandemic never happened. Some made their first trip oversees in years and have seen their peers, colleagues, and business partners for the first time since 2019. And it is not just this group of careful travellers, but we are more looking into environmental impact and trying to save time and ask ourselves: would a call be sufficient instead of two-day trip? Also, one of the deciding factor is going to be tickets price (see below).
This plays into the cards of virtual events which are here to stay. They will continue to decline and loose the audience preferring the in-person events. The struggle is to attract more attendees and not to serve only to companies trying to sell / offer services or hunt down talent.
Even with the wide availability of conferences, summits and events covering every nook and cranny your business needs, the prices are not going to go down. Ticket prices will increase and long gone are times of free tickets (used in most cases for user acquisition purposes and in some cases getting on board as many people as possible to polish up numbers). Yes, you will be able to attend for free but only passively. Interacting with attendees, posting on boards, or just looking at the attending companies will be hidden behind a paywall.
In general, events are being announced later than usual, so long term planning is still a challenge. We will see events moving their dates or finding a completely new windows for their new editions.
The combination of in-person events with added online component (meeting app / showcase) is stabilized and they co-exist in harmony. Some groups are going to promote the hybrid model, but as we have discussed, it is hard to pull off, and it is the most expensive option. In reality it will be in-person event first with attached virtual activities. Attendees are preferring offline meetings and in-person events rather than virtual ones.
On the B2B side, we will see increase in the attendance, but nowhere near the records from pre-pandemic era. On the B2C side, we will see new local initiatives pop up and we will see an increase in attendance as well. Gamescom will be very close to the record from 2019 in attendance.
E3 will deliver, yet not fully realized and fleshed out new vision. Attendees will be praising new format and strong foundations for the future editions. Geoff Keighley will still alienate on the E3 week with his Summer Game Fest / Judging Week (happening a week earlier).
TGS will bring international visitors after a long time, the visitor numbers will be higher, but we won’t be seeing smashing record from 2018.
Established brands and groups of organizers will create spin-offs; more curated and highly focused to target different audience and serve them more frequently during the year. Not full-blown conferences but a scaled down format, intimate setting, laser focused on covering specifics, for example meeting with publishers, knowledge exchange, pitching or just networking with few sessions thrown around. These kinds of events were happening on local level already, but I do believe this trend will be more visible and has potential for growth in coming future.
In 2023 the importance of local events is bigger than ever, in many cases regional associations and trade groups are doing better jobs than established showcases with added value like Steam page for new games, master classes and recruitment component attracting newcomers and students.
There you have it, some predictions, some trends, and my personal wishes. Let’s see in couple of months if these will be false or they will become truth.
Blog continues below after a word from our partner.
In 2023, Reboot events are returning to the pre-covid pattern and timing with Reboot Develop Blue 2023 happening from 24th to 26th of April (Monday to Wednesday) in Dubrovnik!
During its 8th edition, the conference is set to feature another stunning Reboot Develop Blue signature, 150+ speakers big, super unique, high-end lineup in 8 tracks.
The first wave of a huge, diverse speaker line-up consisting of some of the most interesting, creative, and business minds within the worldwide games industry has recently been revealed.
Hurry up because the last couple of significantly discounted All Access EARLY BIRD Conference Passes will be available for just a couple more days before all of our passes revert to the standard pricing.
A small selection of very special VIP passes as well as INDIE PACKAGES for TWO are still available, after they are sold out there will be no more special types of passes being additionally available at all.
Don't forget to check Reboot Develop Blue 2023 conference website for news and updates about the event, including available passes, new speakers, accommodation options, side-event info, and more!
For sponsorship options, reach out at sponsorship@rebootdevelop.hr.
Big update to the GCG database
The main database was updates so it shows all the events scheduled to happen in 2023 and beyond plus the rest of the events planned for this December.
The 2022 events will be archived during the holidays, they already have a dedicated subpage accompanied with donut graphs. You can search, filter and look at all of them, same as events from 2020 and 2021.
All the showcases (E3, gamescom, Guerrilla Collective and more) includes links to the on-demand version of the broadcasts so you can rewatch them as you please.
On the main page, the donut graphs are breaking down the nature and location of 2023 events. As of writing, 54 events are tracked for 2023.
Happy holidays and New Year!
And that is it for this year. I wish you all the best in 2023. Have an amazing holiday, eat as much comfortable food as you can, and spend the time with your family and friends. See you next year!
[Game Conference Guide is tracking games industry & game developers’ events, trade shows, festivals, conferences and events around the world.]
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Pavol Buday, curator @ GCG